Full Metal: Lessons

Full Metal: Lessons

A list of lessons that we try to follow in every aspect of our lives, gathered from all across the globe, personal experiences, common sense, and street smarts.

This list of lessons is ever growing, and evolving as we learn new theories, philosophies, and teachings that we are able to better our skills and ourselves with throughout life.

Each lesson is meant to initially cover a singular subject but can be broadened to explained and cover multiple aspects of life.

    1. Plan for your initial response to be the only needed response
    2. If you think it is coming plan as if it is already here
    3. Always have a plan of defence
    4. Shoot until they go limp or catch fire
    5. Be a man of nature rather than one of society (It is easier for a man of nature to live in society, than for a man of society to live in nature)
    6. Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought
    7. Always pay attention to your environment (Situational awareness)
    8. Always know your destination and to roads that lead to it
    9. Fitness drive performance, performance drives survivability
    10. Make good habits while staying unpredictable
    11. Shit can always get worse
    12. Never compromise on security
    13. 2 is 1 and 1 is none
    14. Support equipment should only facilitate a need, not dictate one
    15. Make your own path (Be a leader, or mentor not a follower/sheep)
    16. When in doubt say nothing
    17. Looking good gives you an advantage
    18. Never play stupid games (You will only win stupid prizes)
    19. Always exit quietly